Seeking the Truth

Where you can find various information, interviews, and deep analysis about Iranian Affairs, culture, heritage and civilization. This website is currently under construction.

our mission

Hello, and thank you for visiting our website.

As you may know, when it comes to Iran, there is a lot of misinformation, misconceptions, and misunderstandings about this great nation. We hope that through this platform, we will be able to discuss some of these issues with subject matter experts and clarify some of the points at hand. At the end of the day, you will be the judge.

"For who are we to cast a stone,
When our own paths are yet unknown?
Open your heart, let understanding flow,
And watch compassion's seeds gently grow."




We discuss matters with the Subject Matter Experts. Will ask questions that are really matter and will do our best to reflect the truth. Our interviews will be pulished on out Youtube channel

Hosting Events

The rich Iranian culture and civilization offers a vast variety of events throughout the year. From the Bonfire Festival to the Persian New Year. We are determined to showcase these cultural events through our outreach program.

Our story



Lead Web Designer

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.



Lead Web Designer

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.



Lead Web Designer

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.



Lead Web Designer

This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.


  • All Works
  • App Development
  • Photography
  • SEO Marketing

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+262 695 2601 121 King Street, Australia